
A series of investment products based on diversified portfolios of private equity funds. Started in 2006, there are eight in the series to date, with Astrea 8 being the latest addition to the Astrea Platform.

McKinsey Global Private Markets Review 2021

The year 2020 was turbulent for private markets, as it was for much of the world. We typically assess meaningful change in the industry over years or decades, but the pandemic and other events spurred reassessment on a quarterly or even monthly basis. Following a second-quarter “COVID correction” comparable to that seen in public markets, private markets have since experienced their own version of a K-shaped recovery: a vigorous rebound in private equity contrasting with malaise in real estate; a tailwind for private credit but a headwind for natural resources and infrastructure.

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Bain & Co Global Private Equity Report 2021

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It was a year of massive disruption—and private equity emerged unscathed.

Despite the tragic Covid-19 pandemic and its global economic fallout, despite the protests against police brutality and systemic racism and months of social upheaval, despite a bitterly contested US presidential election that ultimately led to an unprecedented mob assault on Capitol Hill, dealmakers kept making deals in 2020, while exits and fund-raising fell in line with robust five-year averages.

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