About Us

Who We Are

Set up in 2015, Azalea Asset Management is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Seviora, and indirectly owned by Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited.

The Azalea Group invests in PE funds, with a focus on the development and innovation of new investment platforms and products to make PE accessible to a broader group of investors.


Our Management Team

Awards & Accolades

Astrea 7
Securitisation and Structured Finance Deal of the Year
IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards 2023
Astrea V
Asia Pacific Securitisation Deal of the Year
The Banker Deals of the Year 2020
Triple A Award 2018
Astrea IV
Best Securitisation
The Asset Country Awards 2018
Astrea III
Most Innovative Deal
FinanceAsia Achievement Awards 2016
Best Structured Finance
Astrea III
Best Structured Finance
GlobalCapital Asia Regional Capital Market Awards 2016
Most Innovative Deal
Astrea III
Most Innovative Deal
The Asset Triple A Country Awards 2016
Most Innovative Deal
Astrea III
Fixed Income - Most Innovative Deal
The Asset Regional Deal Awards 2016